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الجمعة, مارس 7, 2025
الرئيسيةEnglishWays to Use Valentine’s Day to Teach Children about God’s Love

Ways to Use Valentine’s Day to Teach Children about God’s Love

Lori Wildenberg

Love is grace.

The gift of salvation is God’s grace given to us. Grace is a gift we give someone else even though they may not deserve it. Grace isn’t earned, it is freely given—no strings attached.

Challenge your family members to look for ways to grace another: Hold the door for someone whose hands are full, allow another to get into line ahead of you, do a job around the house that isn’t typically yours. After the grace-filled action is done, take a ball of string. Unravel it about 1 foot. Have each child hold an end, tell how they graced each other, and cut the string. Grace is a no strings attached gift. That’s how God loves us, without strings.

God’s love is mercy.

God shows His love for us by giving us mercy and compassion. St. Valentine showed compassion to his jailer’s daughter by healing her blindness, even though he knew he was going to be executed.

To help your children understand the concept of mercy, find opportunities to participate in acts of service for those in need. Your kids could bring dinner to a sad or grieving friend, or create a manna bag to give to a homeless person (soap, grocery gift card, crackers, socks, a water bottle) and hand it out the car window. Kindness, mercy, and compassion draw us to other people. The mercy and compassion God has shown us can motivate us to bring Him glory by paying it forward. The kindness of God pulls us close to Him.

God’s love is truth.

Love is truth and love speaks truth. Truth is freedom to experience the fullness of God’s love. Titus 1:2 says that God does not lie.

Play a game with your child called True and False. Make two signs. One that says “true,” the other “false.” Speak some true statements and some false statements. Have your child hold up the card that matches the statement. Say, “God loves us. He always tells us the truth, He cannot lie. Jesus says He is the way, the truth, and the life. God says you are beloved, you belong, you are precious, chosen, created in His image on purpose for a purpose.” Next, write these words that speak about identity in Christ on individual note cards. Tape them to the mirror while saying, “God is a truth teller and this is what He says about me!”

God’s love is forgiveness.

The depth of God’s love is demonstrated in His forgiveness. Forgiveness restores our soul and cleanses us. Forgiveness sets us free from bitterness.

Have a conversation about a person who has hurt you. Write the person’s name on a piece of paper. Take the hurt to God. Pray a prayer of forgiveness. “Lord, give me a heart that wants to release my pain and freely forgive. Because you, Lord, have forgiven me, I will forgive________.” Then burn or shred the paper.

God’s love rejoices.

“He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17d. The God of the Universe, the Creator of all creation rejoices over us with singing! The love God shows for us is filled with joy.

Turn on some favorite Christian worship music in the car and have a car concert or a singing and dancing party in your home. Rejoice with God through song and dance. God loves His children and joy really is the serious business of heaven.

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