12.4 C
السبت, يناير 25, 2025


Incarnation of Christ

The Incarnation, the belief that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ, is a cornerstone of Christian theology. It is a doctrine rich in meaning and profound in its implications for humanity’s relationship with God. However, this central tenet has faced challenges and scrutiny throughout history. This essay aims to provide a robust defense of the Incarnation, exploring its significance, purpose, and addressing common objections. The Significance of the Incarnation: The Incarnation is not merely an isolated event in history; it is the pivotal point around which the entire Christian faith revolves. It signifies God's profound love for humanity,...

5Ways to Grow Your Marriage While Having Young Kids

Arlene Pellicane 1. Have a daily connecting ritual. Think of a habit that’s easy to do which will establish a ritual of connecting with your spouse each day. It could be snuggling and talking first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Maybe a shared cup of morning coffee or evening prayer. Every night at bedtime I tickle my husband James’ feet and arms (he likes the touch) and we talk about the day (I like the talk). A daily connecting ritual will keep you from slowly drifting away from your spouse. 2. Have a regular date night and annual...


BY GINGER PLOWMAN Christopher’s not letting me play with the ball!” “Sarah’s calling me names!” “Tommy won’t let me in the bathroom!” Sound familiar? Tattling reigns as one of the most common behavior problems among siblings. Unfortunately, it is overlooked rather than dealt with properly in many homes. tattling is typically motivated by one sibling taking pleasure in the other sibling’s suffering, which ultimately creates an atmosphere of opposition and conflict. Siblings who are committed to getting one another in trouble will wedge a thorn of distrust in their relationship, disrupting the harmony of the whole family. Parents can tame the tattletale and...

4Ways Prayer Is Powerful, Even When God Says “No”

Elizabeth Spencer 1. Prayer Connects Us to the "I AM" “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7) Prayer is a conversation with God. Because our great High Priest Jesus has gone before us and torn down the veil separating us in our fallenness from God in His holiness, we can-upon confession of sin and profession of faith-walk right into the throne room of grace and have a private audience with the maker of the universe. We can do this anytime, from any location. This...

4Ways to Make Each of Your Children Feel Seen

Spend One-On-One Time with Them Every Day Now, I already know what you’re thinking. There’s not enough time or energy in the day to spend one-on-one time with each child. I get it. From the early morning hustle to bedtime routines, most of us struggle to get dinner on the table, let alone spend individual time with our children. However, it doesn’t take much effort to single out each child for some quality one-on-one time. I still remember one night when I was tucking my second-born son into bed. He was the quiet one who always seemed to fly under the...

5 Commitments to Fight the Enemy Together

Jennifer Waddle 1. Commit to Listening to the Right Voice You can find just about any type of marital advice on the internet, by typing in specific keywords and hitting “enter.” However, there is no better instruction than that which is offered by the Word of God. When couples commit to spending time in the Scriptures, and seeking God’s voice above all others, they are less likely to fall for the lies of the enemy. When Satan comes crawling around, whispering, “Did God really say,” couples can immediately detect the deception and combat it with truth. Commit to listening to the right voice—the...

Christology: The Theology of Christ

Christology is a branch of Christian theology that focuses on the person, nature, and role of Jesus Christ. The term comes from the Greek words Christos (meaning "Anointed One" or "Messiah") and logos (meaning "word"), which together translate to "the study of Christ." The central question of Christology is: "Who is Jesus Christ?" This question has been the subject of theological exploration and debate for centuries, as Christians seek to understand the significance of Jesus as both fully divine and fully human. The Two Natures of Christ: Divine and Human One of the foundational aspects of Christology is the doctrine of...

What Is an Eternal Mindset?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr. Have you ever stopped to think about eternity? Growing up, I would think about eternal life, and after a while, there was a point where it stopped making sense to me. We can understand eternal life conceptually, but our minds cannot fully grasp eternity. For us, everything has a start and end date. While we may not understand eternity to its fullest, we must still have an eternal mindset. This means we must look at things not just as how they are but how they will be. Recognizing there is an eternal destination waiting for you...

3Truths We Can Learn from Jacob and Rachel’s Relationship

Vivian Bricker This biblical soap opera showcases three truths we can learn from Jacob and Rachel’s relationship: 1. Favoritism Is Wrong The Bible states Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah: “his love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years” (Genesis 29:30b). Jacob showed favoritism in his relationship with Rachel, though he was married to both sisters. God never wants us to show favoritism in any of our human relationships. While polygamy is wrong, Jacob shouldn’t have shown favoritism between the two. Due to his blatant favoritism, we see bitterness creep up in Leah's...

War: Four Christian Views

Robert G. Clouse War is one of the evil necessities which arises from the fallen state of humanity. War is evil! As Samuel Shoemaker said, ‘you do not wait for a war to look at the problem of evil, war is simply the problem of evil writ large’. It is a true saying that ‘sweet is war to him who knows it not’. There is really no question concerning the ugliness of war. How then are we to respond to the problem of war? How is the Christian to tackle the moral dilemma of resisting evil? In his attempt to grapple...