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الأربعاء, مارس 5, 2025
الرئيسيةEnglish3Reasons the Resurrection Is Important for Your Life Today

3Reasons the Resurrection Is Important for Your Life Today

Leah Lively
1. Jesus Came to Resurrect Your Hope

In (Luke 3), John the Baptist had been preparing the people for the coming of the Messiah. Since King David, the Jewish people had gone through hundreds of years of turning away from God, turning to Him, then away from Him again.

In anger, God drove the people into exile. Their land and homes were destroyed, and they were taken over by foreign powers. Ultimately, they were able to return and rebuild Jerusalem, but eventually, the Roman government gained control of the area.

The people, without hope, held on to the promise of the coming Messiah, a warrior (in their minds) who would deliver them from Roman rule and return Israel back to wealth and power.

The messiah was already resurrecting hope in a lost people as John prepared them for His coming.

Maybe your life right now is deflating the hope out of you. Unexpected illnesses, relationship struggles, or the daily grind can make a life of hope more like misery.

When sin entered the garden of Eden in (Genesis 3), the coming of Christ became the answer to our lost hope.

2. Jesus Came to Resurrect Your Calling
In (Luke 5), Jesus resurrected a calling in the hearts of some fishermen. In Jewish cultural tradition, the children are sent to school to learn the scriptures and memorize the Torah (Old Testament). Once they reach a certain age, the girls come home to help with household duties. The boys continue with their studies if they excel as students of the scriptures and eventually ask a rabbi (teacher) to follow him as an apprentice. If the boys do not do well or are rejected by a rabbi, the return home to learn the family business. The fishermen were rejected as apprentices and now worked with their fathers.

Instead of these rejected students approaching this rabbi (Jesus), he approached them.

They didn’t ask to follow Him, he commanded they follow Him. They dropped everything, their livelihood and their family business, to take hold of the second chance to be an apprentice to a rabbi.

When life throws curveballs, your dream and calling can get laid aside or even forgotten. Jesus is calling you to follow Him, now. Thanks to what you know about his resurrection, you can follow the dream He has for you.

3. Jesus Came to Resurrect Your Faith

In (Luke 8:43-48), Jesus is on His way to bring a child back to life when a woman reaches out and touches the hem of his robe. She had been bleeding for twelve years and must have been at the point of desperation and weakness if she were in the physical position to reach the bottom of Jesus’ garment.

She had been shunned from society and kept out of entering the temple area, but her faith was enough that she knew if she simply reached out and touched the cloth worn by Jesus, she would find healing.

Upon touching his garment, “Instantly her bleeding stopped” (Luke 8:44 CSB). She didn’t have to ask for healing and Jesus didn’t have to grant her healing. All the woman needed was enough faith to help her to reach out and touch her healer.

The presence of Jesus resurrected her faith to the point of acting on it. She didn’t do anything great. She didn’t make a sound. She just reached out.

Your faith can be resurrected by reaching out to Jesus through prayer, worship, and reading the Bible. He may begin by healing your grieving heart through your resurrected faith.

3 أسباب يخلوا القيامة مهمين لحياتك أنهردة (يسوع جيه عشان يُقيم رجائك، يسوع جيه عشان يُقيم دعوتك، يسوع جيه عشان يُقيم إيمانك).

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