Cally Logan
The Desire to be Liked
The desire to be well-liked and thought well of is almost always one we readily want, but this aspiration can sometimes grow into people-pleasing. People-pleasing is one where we seek to satisfy others to the point where it becomes unhealthy for us. At times, people-pleasing can truly become crippling, so how do we know how to be good to others without falling into this pit?
More often than not, people-pleasing becomes the result of poor communication. When your voice is silenced, or you choose not to speak up for your preference or what is a...
How Can Kids Be More Like Solomon?
Sarah Humphrey
Giving children opportunities to hear about good role models, Biblical characters, and other godly leaders is a great way to help them decipher the difference between what the world is teaching and what God says is actually true.
Solomon is an example of such a person! Not only did Solomon do a lot of things right, but he also made mistakes and suffered for them. He’s an excellent example of a human being who was touched by the hand of God,
If kids today want to chew on a few principles from Solomon’s life,...
I recently received an email question from a person who wrote: “I have studied quite a few different translations of the bible and have full faith in what it says. I also believe that Jesus is my savior, and do my best to live by what He taught. However, I am not a Christian according to many religious leaders, because I do not believe in the doctrine regarding the trinity. I have read nothing in the Word that supports this idea, in fact Jesus proclaims many time that He is less than the Father. My question is simply this,...
Amanda Idleman
1. Go to God in Prayer
If intimacy is lacking in your relationship, it’s important that you talk to your spouse about prioritizing one another once again but that can be a tricky conversation to have. Before jumping into fixing this thing with your mate first go to God in prayer. Lay your marriage before His feet and cover whatever is left of your connection with prayer.
His Spirit will go ahead and prepare the way for healing for your relationship! (Jeremiah 30:17) tells us that God heals our wounds. I believe that means both our physical and emotional wounds. Living in...
Historicity of Jesus
The historicity of Jesus is the question of whether Jesus historically existed (as opposed to being a purely mythological figure). The question of historicity was generally settled in scholarship in the early 20th century. Today scholars agree that a Jewish man named Jesus of Nazareth did exist in the Herodian Kingdom of Judea and the subsequent Herodian tetrarchy in the 1st century AD, upon whose life and teachings Christianity was later constructed, but a distinction is made by scholars between 'the Jesus of history' and 'the Christ of faith'.
There is no scholarly consensus concerning most elements of...
Dolores Smyth
1. Make Your House a Home
When you’re first married, decorating your house so that it feels like a home can be daunting. When decorating, one thing to keep in mind is that your home should reflect the things that make both you and your partner happy. This may include specific colors and scents or certain furniture and styles. Agreeing on how to make your house a home may be a bit tricky if you and your other half have wildly different tastes and behaviors. This is where a compromise is in order.
Something that many couples can agree on...
Amanda Idleman
1. Organize Your Day and Create Tech-Free Time
One unavoidable reality is that technology is a necessary part of most adults' days. Most of us parents aren't just scrolling our phones for fun; we have work to do. A tip that has helped me is to create times in my day that I intentionally let my kids know I have work to do, so they know that is why I am using my phone or computer. I pledge to be tech-free and fully present to engage with my kids in other parts of the day.
I feel much less guilty...
The Son determined to live and die by glorifying the Father, even while enduring crucifixion and its excruciating pain. Let’s see the following four principles Jesus demonstrated while crucified:
1. Non-Defensive
When those around Jesus did nothing but revile Him, He didn’t defend Himself. Neither did He attack them back (1 Peter 2:23). Jesus stayed silent (Isaiah 53:7). By doing so, He fully exhibited trust that God would avenge Him without having to do so Himself (1 Samuel 24:12).
Like Jesus, you and I don’t need to engage in self-defense even if someone decides to harass us in our pain. The Lord...
The Incarnation, the belief that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ, is a cornerstone of Christian theology. It is a doctrine rich in meaning and profound in its implications for humanity’s relationship with God. However, this central tenet has faced challenges and scrutiny throughout history. This essay aims to provide a robust defense of the Incarnation, exploring its significance, purpose, and addressing common objections.
The Significance of the Incarnation:
The Incarnation is not merely an isolated event in history; it is the pivotal point around which the entire Christian faith revolves. It signifies God's profound love for humanity,...
Arlene Pellicane
1. Have a daily connecting ritual. Think of a habit that’s easy to do which will establish a ritual of connecting with your spouse each day. It could be snuggling and talking first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Maybe a shared cup of morning coffee or evening prayer. Every night at bedtime I tickle my husband James’ feet and arms (he likes the touch) and we talk about the day (I like the talk). A daily connecting ritual will keep you from slowly drifting away from your spouse.
2. Have a regular date night and annual...