Jennifer Waddle
1. Commit to Listening to the Right Voice
You can find just about any type of marital advice on the internet, by typing in specific keywords and hitting “enter.” However, there is no better instruction than that which is offered by the Word of God.
When couples commit to spending time in the Scriptures, and seeking God’s voice above all others, they are less likely to fall for the lies of the enemy. When Satan comes crawling around, whispering, “Did God really say,” couples can immediately detect the deception and combat it with truth.
Commit to listening to the right voice—the still, small voice that says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8).
2. Commit to Speaking Truth in Love
You’ve probably heard the old phrase, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” When couples speak to each other in ways that are unloving, unkind, and unthoughtful, they unknowingly inflict wounds on the other person.
When the enemy sees those open wounds, he is quick to add insult to injury by building up scars of bitterness and resentment.
Don’t let the enemy get a foothold in your marriage. Commit to speaking the truth in love and try dealing with things before bitterness takes root. Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. (Ephesians 4:26)
3. Commit to Cleaving to One Another
Any time the enemy causes division in marriage, it’s our tendency to remain divided. Instead of coming together in prayer and forgiveness, we let things simmer, and eventually allow it to turn into a raging boil.
Let’s commit to following God’s original design for marriage and cleave to one another. Even in the toughest of times, let’s make a commitment to turn from the enemy’s lies and come together in truth and love. When Satan sees you joining hands in unity, despite his attempts to cause division, he will have no reason to stick around.
4. Commit to Simply Saying “No” to the Enemy’s Lies
When my grandson was a baby, he went through this sassy stage where he would lift up his hand and say, “Oh no you didn’t!” (in his sweet baby talk). I can still picture him waving his finger and giving his parents sass.
Sometimes, our marriages deserve a little sass—not towards each other—but towards the enemy. In the mighty name of Jesus, we have permission to raise our hands in the face of the devil and say, “Oh no you won’t!”
Let’s say “no” to the enemy’s lies, and stand firmly on God’s truths. Let’s follow Jesus’ example of recognizing Satan’s deceptions and fighting back with the irrefutable truth of the Word.
5. Commit to Clinging to God
Fighting the enemy together is so much easier underneath the protective covering of God. Couples who are first committed to the Lord, and then to each other, have the strength of three chords—and the Bible tells us that a strand of three chords is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Cling to God first and foremost. Above your spouse, your children, and anyone else, cling to the Lord. When He is the One holding your marriage together, no one—including the enemy—can break that bond.
I cling to Your testimonies; O Lord, do not put me to shame! (Psalm 119:31)
As you fight the enemy together, keep in mind that it is mostly about standing still and abiding in the power of the Lord. No matter how the enemy is coming at your marriage today, stand together as a united front. In the name of Jesus, he doesn’t stand a chance!