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السبت, فبراير 22, 2025
الرئيسيةEnglish4Secrets Newlyweds Need to Know

4Secrets Newlyweds Need to Know

Sara Horn

Think Two, Not One

It’s funny how we’re often attracted to our spouses for qualities they have that are different from our own, and yet, over time, we still try to change them to be just like us! But God brought the two of you together, and each of you will have strengths to offer and weaknesses to overcome.

 Go to Bed Together

This one may seem odd, especially if one of you is a night owl and the other is an early bird, like Cliff and I are. But there is something special and meaningful about ending the day together by talking and spending time with each other before going to sleep. We decided early on in our marriage we’d do this, and with the exception of times where there were deadlines for one of us that required late night work sessions, we’ve made it a point to go to bed together.

We’ve done this even when we have been upset with each other or struggling with something and might have preferred going to bed at different times. Why? Because it’s a lot harder to stay mad at the person you’re nose to nose with than if you’re in different rooms.

Forgive More

I didn’t realize it at first, but for the first several years of our marriage, I kept a double standard. When I made mistakes, I expected and assumed my husband would graciously overlook and forgive my carelessness or selfish choices – but when it came to his mistakes, well, I wasn’t always very forgiving or offering the same grace and care.

When you begin thinking about all of the things God forgives you for, you will realize why it’s so important to forgive your spouse. Because you’re not perfect. Neither is he.

Love in Verbs, Not Just in Words

There will be days in your marriage that you’re not going to feel a whole lot of love towards your husband. You may question if you even like him. But love was never designed by God to simply be a feeling. Love should go much deeper than that – it’s an action that comes with commitment and one you can do even when you don’t always feel it. Our feelings are fickle; they change as often as the weather sometimes. But when you commit to God and to your spouse to live out committed love, then no matter what you’re feeling on a given day, you’re promising to live out love towards your spouse. You will show it in your actions. And amazingly enough, your actions will often lead right back to feelings of love. So if loving words start to fail you, than ask yourself if you’re living out love in what you do, how you respond, how you behave. Then keep doing it.

5 أسرار المتزوجين حديثًا محتاجين يعرفوهم عشان يبدأوا حياتهم صح.  1- فكروا كشخصين مش كشخص واحد (احترموا اختلافاتكم)، 2- أدخلوا السرير في نفس الوقت آخر اليوم 3- سامح أكتر 4- حب بالأفعال مش بالكلام 5- اعتمد على الله أكثر من شريك حياتك.

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